Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blog Post 2. Option A. Claifornia Gurls by Katy Perry

This student-created production is covered under the Fair Use codes US copyright law.Specifically, Section 107 of the current Copyright Act and Section 504(c)(2) cover the educational-basis of this video production. The production is intended to be a transformative remake, aiding in both student and public media literacy.  The use of copyrighted material is in the service of constructing a differing understanding than the original work, which according to Section 110 (1) (2), is to be treated as a new cultural production. This student-production is in no way limited to the protections provided by the Fair Use codes stated above due to the many other sections of the current US Copyright Act, which also include the principles of Fair Use. 

Please refer to Fair Use principles when re-posting, quoting, and/or excerpting the video-production posted here.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, Hannah, Christian, Jon:
    California Katy Perry

    Your video has more comedic value than I’ve seen in a student production in the recent past! I enjoyed watching it immensely, and could tell you put a lot of effort into the production!
    A couple of issues that I noticed:
    Continuity of images: At first, the images were clear (i.e. post Snoop Dog) with California girls represented by the likes of pre-baby Nicole Richey. However, this theme was soon dropped by your video and I couldn’t figure out why there were tiki huts and graduation pictures involved in the montage. In order to insure the audience understood the point your trying to make in remaking the video, more relevant images throughout the video were definitely needed—If I’m assigning the project and end up lost, what about your audience without a WGS background?
    It would have helped to stick with the same sort of images of California Girls that you used at the beginning of your video---and kept that theme throughout (you could have added the arrests of Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, etc, and also the many other “CA Girl” scandals that are produced by misogynist US culture, which vilifies the individuals for their scandals). The “don’t” symbol would not have been necessary with thematically congruent images (the circle with the red line through it), use of text where you wanted to make points could have helped too, and your images of women outside the US should probably have been cut (I had no idea what the global handholding was relevant to).
    The credits at the end were completely comprehensive and well done for citing your sources.
    The last part I noticed was that you didn’t title your blog post or the video on YouTube… Titles are important to make a point clearer and to point an audience in the right direction. “Blog Post 2 (and/or) Option A” is only meaningful to someone currently taking this class.
